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Welcome to ツclan

Founder : Jonahツ
Co-Founders : Hazzaツ and Fredsツ

Looking for a clan? We are calling you! Come and be part of the ツ clan. We take casual and competitive players all around the world!


why join us?

ツ Chill and respectful chat
ツ great staff!!
ツ No tryouts needed for casual players
ツ We accept all platforms
ツ We accept players that play multiple games as well


Some useful facts

ツ In our clan we DO NOT do clan wars here!
 ツ When you join try-outs are unneeded!
ツ Most weeks be have competitions e.g. logo competitions!
ツ When you join you need to answer a few simple questions.
ツ To join the pro-team you need to fill in a form and then wait for try-outs (Fortnite and Apex Legends).
ツ We do meetings about the clan and some coming things to the clan.
ツ If you have any questions there's a questions text channel. 
ツ If you don't get assigned straight away you will need to wait and you will get assigned.

Discord :
YouTube :

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